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lease click on the links below to download our policies. Please contact the school office if you would like a paper copy of any of the policies listed below.

NOTE - We are updating the layout of this page and our policies - recently updated policies now appear below this table.

2022 Review 2023 Review 2024 Review 2025 Review 2026 Review 2027 Review 2028 Review





Remote Learning

Behaviour Principles

Data Retention

Exams - Complaints and Appeals Procedure

Exams - Equalities Policy

Exams - Escalation Process

Exams - Internal Appeals Procedures

Exams Malpractice

Exams - Word Processor Policy

First Aid

Hydrotherapy Pool -
a) Emergency Action Plan

Offsite Curriculum

Outdoor Learning at WFS

Parent Partnership, Engagement & Support

Pay - Teaching Staff

Pay - Support Staff

Access Control & Key Holder Policy


Allegations of Abuse Against Teachers & Other Staff

Alternative Provision

Capability of Staff

Data Protection

Early Career Teacher (ECT) Induction Policy


Fobbed Door 

Freedom of Information-

a) Guide

b) Publication Scheme

Governors' Allowances

Health & Safety

Home Visits & Outreach

Physical Contact & Intimate Care

Previously Looked After & Looked After Children 

Pupils Missing from School

Relationships Education & Relationships & Sex Education

Risk Assessment

Special Educational Needs 

Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs

Absence & Cover


Behaviour & Positive Engagement

Charging & Remissions 

Collective Worship


Drug & Alcohol Misuse

Early Years Foundation Stage 

Equality Information & Objectives

Food Allergy 

Hydrotherapy Pool - Normal Operating Procedure

Keeping Children Safe in Education

Lone Working Guidance

Managing Redundancy Situations in Schools

Manual Handling

Online Safety

Preventing Extremism & Radicalisation

Privacy Notice-    a) Parents & Carers               b) Workforce

Racial Incident Policy & Procedures

Safeguarding (including Child Protection)

Screening, Searching & Confiscating

Sickness Absence Management -
a) Guidance for Schools
b) Policy for Schools
c) Procedure for Schools

Staff, Governor, Student & Volunteer Induction

Students & Volunteers

Suicide Safer

Complaints Policy

Appraisal Performance Management Policy



Disciplinary Procedure

Flexible Working

Grievance & Harassment Procedure

Leave in Term Time Absence

Managing Aggressive Behaviour from Parents and Visitors to Our School  

Mental Health & Wellbeing 

Pets & Dogs in School

Probation - Policy & Procedure

Safer Recruitment

Stress Management

Suspension & Permanent Exclusion

WFS Personal Data Breach Protocol

Whistleblowing Policy & Procedure 

Working in Worcestershire Schools including Code of Conduct

Child on Child Abuse


Accessibility Policy & Action Plan

