Newsletter 22nd April 2016
Latest News from Wyre Forest School.....
This week Beech and Hazel class had a visit from some of the creatures at the Safari park; including a cockroach, a chinchilla, a hedgehog, a skunk, a snail and some worms. We looked at and touched these creatures and learnt lots of facts about them.
Some of 13D have started making Transition visits and attending Taster Days at different Colleges. On Monday, a group visited Pershore College and enjoyed looking at the farm machinery and different animals.
On Tuesday Dan had a fantastic morning at Worcester College – he joined in well with the group and came back to school saying how much of a good time he had there.
Sam and John also had a fantastic day at BMET College on the Stourport Road. Sam joined the Horticulture group and John joined the Catering group. Both boys had such a fantastic day and the college loved having them there.
Students from 13P have been visiting local recreational parks and finding out information by working together and completing a quiz.
Coffee and chat dates with Mrs Garratt for the rest of the term are as follows….
19.5.16 @ 9.30am
14.7.16 @ 9.30am
15.7.16 @ 2.00pm
Please let the school office know if you would like to attend – thank you.
We have been very lucky this week to have two trikes donated to school for pupils use from TOMCAT – the bikes are amazing and Imogen and Felix had great fun trying them out.
If you have any Sainsbury’s Active Kids Vouchers lying around please send them in to school as we will be very grateful. Thank you.
Even bigger drum roll from last week…..
Current Sports Relief Total stands at a staggering £1330.79!!!
Whole school attendance for week ending 15.04.2016 was 94.2%