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Newsletter 22nd July 2016

Newsletter 22nd July 2016

Latest news from Wyre Forest School

Menu Week:

There is a new Autumn & Winter Menu coming home with pupils today.


Message from Mrs Garratt

My first year as Headteacher of Wyre Forest School has nearly been completed. It’s been a busy year getting to know the pupils and evaluating what’s working well, what needs tweaking and what needs changing. The main two things I have learnt this year is just how amazing our pupils are, every day they surprise me with their determination. The other thing I have learnt is what a great staff team I have at Wyre Forest School and Russell House. They work extremely hard and are passionate and committed to constantly improving their practice and giving the pupils the very best care and education. I have thoroughly enjoyed my first year and am already excitedly looking forward to Year 2.

Unfortunately you may have heard that myself and the Governors have decided that we can no longer sustain the ‘After School Club’. The school budget is getting decidedly tighter every year and we have to subsidise the After School Club and we have reached the point where we can no longer spare the funding to do this as it is needed elsewhere. The After School Club will finish 15th December 2016. I will continue to work to try and find an external provider to continue an After School Club on our premises.


During the Summer Holidays we are having some wonderful additions to our school premises. The EYFS/Lower School Playground is undertaking a much needed facelift. It will be exciting to see the end result. We are also going to be seeing the internal walls brightened up with photographs and hopefully the school field will be in a much better state to be actually used. We will also be having the trampoline replaced so the much needed rebound therapy can recommence.


As I write this I am happy to say that we have no staff leaving this summer. I can also tell you that both Mrs Marshall and Mrs Wheatley have given birth to healthy baby boys!!


As of the 1st September we will be an ‘Apple’ school with all our tablets, laptops and desktops being Apple products. We are doing this so we can synchronise all our devices and work anywhere. Pupils will have greater access to useful programs and Apps to improve communication and develop independent learning. Having these devices will also mean that we will reduce the amount of printing that we do. This is not only helpful to the environment but will cut down the paper and photocopying costs. That money can then be put to use on useful resources or even extra staff to support pupils. Ideally we would like to email newsletters next year as the weekly newsletters are quite costly but also something parents have enjoyed receiving.


Our priorities for next year are;    



  1. To continue to develop the quality of teaching & learning.
  1. To develop the curriculum to meet the needs of the pupils in order to prepare them for the next stages in their learning/life.
  1. To develop staff, particularly middle leadership, in order to create succession planning.
  1. To develop links with parents so they are well informed and well supported.
  1. To ensure pupil voice is embedded into the school ethos.



OFSTED 2014: teachers should set work that supports and challenges all pupils particularly the most able.

OFSTED 2014: teachers should ensure their writing is easy to read so pupils know how to make their work better

OFSTED 2014: pupils should know their targets

OFSTED 2014: teachers need to have the same expectations for behaviour

OFSTED 2014: to reduce the frequency that pupils with extremely challenging behaviour are sent home

We also need to ensure we keep the last Ofsted’s actions in the forefront as well;













I’d like to thank all the parents and carers for their support throughout the year and wish you a very happy and safe summer and look forward to welcoming all the pupils back on Monday 5th September 2016.


Thrive Class

What a fantastic trip the Thrive class had to Worcester Country Park! We visited the ducks first and were delighted to find a number of turtles basking in the sunshine! We then went to the park and enjoyed playing on all the equipment. The park was busy with other schools and our pupils played beautifully with them, joining in a football match and rolling down the hill! We explored the woods and followed the trail.


Throughout the visit the boys were a credit to the school, fantastic behaviour and beautiful manners. 










Up and coming Olympian …

Maxwell (BEECH Class) completed his 50th 2k park run last weekend.

Well done Maxwell!








7FS visited the Severn Valley Railway.

The Guards helped us to get on and off the train. We had our own special carriage so we could see through the windows as we went along. The trains in the engine house were huge. We all had a great day.


Russell House News

Our Sponsored 24 Hour Go-Kart Event has gone really well – final total to follow in September – looking good at the moment!!





















Message from Jon Billington (IT teacher)


Firstly I apologies for asking you to relay this information to your children; however there is a real safety issue for children and I will not have opportunity to deliver an E Safety lesson on Pokemon Go to all students before the end of term.


Pokemon Go is an app that can be downloaded to smart phones or tablet computers. It is a type of augmented reality game where children roam around parks, shopping centres and other places finding virtual pets.


Your children will most likely already know about Pokemon Go and may be using it. We do not want to stop our children using this fun new technology game; however we want them to use it safety.


All you need to know and all you need to do is tell your children that they must be with an adult when playing this game.


If you would like to know more please go to this website:



Update for our Shropshire Transport children only…

We have received the following information from Passenger Services at Shropshire Council with regards to school transport.  If you have any queries, please email them on


“Shropshire Council’s home to school transport is a statutory service provided for students at the start and end of the standard school day.  This does not include non-statutory education, including breakfast clubs, after school clubs and detentions.  


We are aware that transport has at times been provided outside of this.  However, in order to provide fair and consistent home to school transport for all (regardless of if pupils share transport or not) from September 2016, no transport will be provided for pupils outside of the standard start and end of the normal School day.”


Specialist Travel Team

Passenger Transport Commissioning Group

Shropshire Council


                               AUTUMN TERM 2016




Thursday 1st & Friday 2nd September 2016


TERM STARTS FOR PUPILS                           

Monday 5th September 2016



Friday 21st October 2016


HALF TERM                                                        

Monday 24th October - Friday 28th October 2016

TERM ENDS                                                        

Friday 16th December 2016