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What is AAC?

Sometimes people have difficulty communicating using spoken words and/or producing those words. There are a lot of other different ways they can communicate. Sometimes this is known as AAC or Augmentative and Alternative Communication.



Using something additional to support spoken language.



Using another way of communicating. This is when you do not have spoken words or words are not clear.


Information or a message that is shared.
What types of AAC are often used?

AAC includes all the tools and strategies a person can use to communicate. This is usually split in to two groups - Unaided and Aided AAC.

1. Unaided AAC – or AAC that does not require a physical aid or tool.

  • Facial expressions
  • Body language
  • Gestures
  • Sign language

2. Aided AAC – or AAC that uses physical tools or materials.

  • Symbol boards such as communication pages or ALDs (Aided Language Displays)
  • Choice cards
  • Communication books
  • Keyboards and alphabet charts
  • Voice Output Communication Aid (VOCA)
  • AAC apps on mobile devices

If you would like further support/advice, please contact the Communication Team.

Wyre Forest School Communication Team © 2000